On update of WinZip 15.5 -> 16.0 ~ was getting error when applying my registration info. When 'run with admin' it would register. Curious - since the account I was using had Admin.

Sample VBScript code: package intranet items ~ email using CDO.

Sample VBScript code: package intranet items ~ email using CDO.


cdomailer.vbs link: http://www.box.com/s/3mq3pyp2t4fqz9h390ne
cdomailer.wsf link: http://www.box.com/s/6e1id5ma6tq5f0tvl7f8

Using~adding the .WSF more readily allows referencing of global data across many scripts and other object models

Splitting blog into areas of interest...

I'm splitting up blog entries into these areas of interest~topics:


Skilling-up~refreshing myself on latest technologies related to above.

Scripting ~ July - November '2011

AutoIt ~ Find x64 bit compilation correct one when doing RDP scripting x64 -> x64 bit machines.
Tagle ~ when using with Virtual desktop tools -- do not dock. That way you can copy to all desktops.

MS-Access 2007 Notes

  • Locking ~ decide on a strategy and stick to it ~ mine's currently edited records
  • Use of Tab~page control and subforms vs. Forms and switchboard
  1. Pros: Everything loads at once
  2. Cons: Everything loads at once
  • DoCmd Export

TortoiseGit ~ Cache problems?

Uninstalled 1.7.2

Removed everything Tigris ~ TortoiseGit in Regedit

RD /Q /S C:\Program Files\TortoiseGit

Installed 1.7.3 ~

* Fixed Issue #851: Windows Explorer Shell Crashed when empty repository
* Fixed open handles in TGitCache


Changed the settings to cache 'shell'

I have this onhand:

%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /C (for /f "usebackq tokens=1-6" %i in ( `tasklist^|find "TGitCache"` ) do TASKKILL /F /PID %j) && (PAUSE)

Naked https://twitter.com <> https://api.twitter.com!

Certificate didn't match. I amended my https://twitter.com logins to https://api.twitter.com -- they're _identical_ login pages -- but, the first IMHO is questionable.

Git ~ Bash

Git has a respectable Bash shell. Including grep and pdftotext!

New backup method for my PC use Git then XCOPY C: -> H:

I'm thinking this is common. You've a PC that has an H:\ drive regularly backed up -- but, the _desktop_ itself, your My Documents, etc. are not. PC dies or you have to reset up a new PC -- it can be hard.

This is what I've come up --use Git for desktop, documents, appdata -- then backup those folders with these command files(save without the '.txt' extenstion then schedule BackupLocalToH_All.cmd):


These run from DOS in the C:\User\%username% folder.

The XCOPY parms are set to copy file-attributes, secure, and sub folders/directories.

If you're knowledgeable enough -- you may be able to use Git to revert a particular app setting -- wost case -- you can always copy the H:_%username%_%target% folder back to your C:\Users\%source% from previous day...

...the above works well I think for "My Documents" and for "Desktop" -- you might find "AppData" prohibitive. If so, comment/remove that line from '...All.cmd' and replace with a manual 'subst W: H:\__MikeB_AppData' (at DOS), and a do a git initialize of w: as a 'bare' repository(one that can only receive a 'push'), then do a git push to w: drive.

IE9 short-cuts ~ tips


ALT+Click = hyperlink opens same window

CTRL+Click = hyperlink opens new tab~window

Drag a tab off the browser into an open area of your desktop
and it separates into a new window.

IBM Cognos 8 BI: Official Guide~Ch15.Building the Model with Framework Manager


▪ outline format
▪ numerous pictures


▪ tired metaphors
▪ lack of detail on finer points (see below)

Best tip/note:

15.6.3. Creating Stored Procedure Query Subjects

Stored procedures that return scalar values cannot be used as a Cognos 8 query subject. And while you can pass parameter values into a stored procedure, return parameters from a stored procedure are not supported. You can, however, use this definition process to have a stored procedure act as a user-defined function that can be made accessible when creating a calculation, which will be mentioned briefly in the section "Turning a Stored Procedure Query Subject into a Function," later in the chapter.

So you _can't_ report back a sp scalar(single value return) as a query subject ~ but _can_ use in a formula.

Backup external hard drives…

Went looking(finally) for another PC backup alternative to Carbonite. Main objective in looking -- a service that also backs up extrnal hard drives. Been waiting for a couple of years on Carbonite to come up with an option -- figured I couldn't wait longer. I'm trying Mozy…


SQL Tidy Method #2 ~ Using the Wangz Net Page…


1) Copy SQL text & open a browser window…
2) Go to the Wangz address and configure…
3) Click 'FormatSQL' and 'Copy to Clipboard' buttons
(for non-IE browsers -- highlight/righ-click~copy
text from lower textarea)…
4) Paste over existing SQL…

Google ~ SQLTidy…

Be sure to try the Server add-in…SQL

SQL Tidy Method #1 ~ Using SQL Server 2008 R2 Query Designer


1) High-light text in Query window…
2) Open Query Designer…
3) Click anywhere in Designer…
4) Close Designer…automatically converts to ANSI'92

Google ~ SQLTidy…

Opening an ANSI '89 Query in SQL Server 2008 R2...

...automatically converts it to ANSI '92! Just select, open query designer, and close query designer...

Exploring Git

NeedED something to back up my 'applet' creation, SQL scripts, notes, etc.

Git looks like a pretty quick, predictable option. Neat features:

-single repository in your root
-branching easy
-can push~pull from other repositories
-content vs. file based ~ In my mind I think this may mean it is faster ~ smaller

Differences from SVN:

-Folders remain 'uncolorized' until you actual content(remember Git is
'content' based.

Quick startup:

-Install Git and TortoiseGit

-Make a repository with Git GUI or ToroiseGit

-Add ~ commit with TortoiseGit


Git provides 'Git Bash'(unix) and 'Git GUI' (simple point~click interface). However, my preference is TortoisGit. It hooks to Windows explorer and is pretty much _identical_ to TortoiseSVN.


Example of show-log ~ unified diff:

This video was really helpful in understanding how Git differs from other source control:


…and there is a preview of O'Reilly~Safari book:


Awaiting GooglePlus...

Read with interest the PCMagazine article describing the phenomenal growth of GooglePlus. I really wanted to try 'hangouts' -- but, when I went to sign up found that the limited trial(10M+~!) -- wasn't accepting more people.

Once again, my boat came in and I was at the airport.

ESI ~ Presentations ~ Copyright

Creative Commons License
ESI ~ Presentations by Michael T. Bee are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://michaeltbeeitprof.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at mailto:michael.t.bee.itprof@gmail.com.


Copyright | Disclaimer

Enlightened Self-Interest (Software)

I am creating helps for myself in terms of knowledge, glossaries, tool links etc. If you have something to share please let me know.

  • BI (Business Intelligence)
  • Scripting ~ Testing
  • Web Development
  • Tools

Copyright | Disclaimer

Gmail tip ~ mark all ~ select all conversations

Gmail is great but with a ton of mail I often need to mark all as read ~ clean house.

What I do:

Configurable AutoIt applets...

Other notes--> Looking for short term contract beginning July 1st...

Here's a sample for something I've been wanting
to do for sometime- make my autoit applets 'configurable'.
I thought there must be a way -- there is! Use '_IsPressed':


#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#include <Misc.au3>
Dim _
$sendkeys, _
$switch_cnt, _
$topmost_cnt, _
$ctrl_key, _
; Init
; 'ctrl' pressed with .exe is indication
; that you want to configure the applet...
$dll = DllOpen("user32.dll")
If _IsPressed("11", $dll) Then $ctrl_key = 'Y'
$topmost_cnt = ''
$topmost_cnt = RegRead('HKCU\SOFTWARE\alt_tab', '$topmost_cnt')
; If necessary ~ requested -- prompt for
; values then exit...
If $topmost_cnt = '' Or $ctrl_key = 'Y' Then
$topmost_cnt = _
InputBox( _
@ScriptName, _
'$topmost_cnt?', _
$topmost_cnt _
If $topmost_cnt = '' Then Exit
RegWrite( _
'HKCU\Software\alt_tab', _
'$topmost_cnt', _
'REG_SZ', _
$topmost_cnt _
; Main
$switch_cnt = $topmost_cnt + 2
$sendkeys = '{AltDown}{Tab}{AltUp}'
For $i = 1 To $switch_cnt
TrayTip( _
@ScriptName, _
$sendkeys & '(x $switch_cnt=' & $switch_cnt & ')', _
.25, _
1 _

Opera ~ plug-in content blocking on demand only

I have noticed my Opera browser not directly displaying plug-ins with content. It first presents a circle with a grayed right-arrow. If you click on this -- the content will play. In most instances I find this helpful--but, if you want to turn it off ~ Menu/settings/preferences ~ advanced tab...


svn_up_wildcard %fileset%=?


This add a fileset to the present directory via SVN


svn_up_wildcard %fileset%


%fileset% Required: A dos ~ windows fileset


svn_up_wildcard \\mde-wfdev01\apps\fdm\mfr_r_p2_*.fex




Google Doc as 'Snippet' kitty...

I've been looking for a tool I could use to easily store, retrieve, share code snippets. I decided to put them in a Google Docs spreadsheet. I gave this a bit.ly short URL:


(which allows them full use as spreadsheet -- including view/list)...


...publish as HTML page and embed in your blog

Opera Next ~ *bug*, content blocking, password sync, speed dial widgets...

These features are pretty helpful. Plus, the ability to take a given 'next' profile and test your apps seems really wise.

-'Password' sync wasn't evident until I did 'Configure' off link icon in status bar
-Speed Dial widgets work as advertised(weather):

To change the location of the weather updates go to the weather forecast site http://www.yr.no and search for your preferred location. On the page of the weather location you would like to use you will see a link saying "Select this location for the Opera extension". Click this link to set your new location for the weather updates.

-'Content block' is sweet(pre-dates OperaNext)! Choose what you want to see --and this is also sync'd in Opera Link.

-I've been trying to configure operawatir to do testing -- but, haven't quite figured out the proxy~other configs necessary.

There appears to be a *serious* bug on speed dial. Mine keeps loading~appending same set snapshorts of ad nauseam.

Configure your browsers

If you use GMAIL, Yahoo, or other online mail accounts turn mail inbox checking off. Use the web interfaces to check your inbox. You don't need to clutter your PC with items that will only collect dust in a cloned copy of what's on your mail service servers. Plus, you don't run the risk of downloading spam~virus files.

DO configure these accounts and use the SMTP outbox options. This is a great convenience if you want to send mail from webpage mailto URLS. You may need to change the default signature (for instance in Opera) to something more generic:
"-Thank you/regards"(vs. "Sent with Opera's mail client!")

Use the server side storage for storing your bookmarks~favorites(and~notes in Opera)

Set to 'block unwanted popups' (in most cases). Some browsers(Opera~right-click an open page~edit site preferences) allow you to be site specific if you want to allow popups.

Use 'confirm exit' --if you have many tabs~windows open you don't clobber yourself. Also, if you use something like Opera Unite services you don't inadvertantly shut down running services.

Favorite Tweets