Backup/BackupEncrypt using AutoIt & 7Zip

Sometimes, there are 'miscellaneous' files I'd like backed up that normally don't go into source control. To do that I drag/drop files on the Backup.exe/BackupEncrypt.exe (compiled AutoIt scripts) -- they use & 7Zip to create .zip files in a '_zArchive' folder where those files are found.
There is a 'one-for-one' relationship of drag-dropped files and resultant '.zips'.

Scripts are dependent on this script(place at C:\!WF\_INC\filename.au3):
Place in a folder above the one used as target for other scripts("..\inc\UtilityFunc.au3")

If you'd like to see the .au3 files(place at C:\!WF\myWidgets\filename.au3):

Note:  All link~downloads are self-extracting files.  I've tested with WinZip 12.1 and 7Zip 4.65


Creative Commons License
Backup ~ BackupEncrypt by Michael T. Bee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

VTB my floating toolbar...

I made this as an experiment in AutoIt.  I find it quite helpful.  The bar floats on upper left area of
desktop and can be used for general windows clipboard functions and for text case changes.

AutoIt Script ~

Executable ~

WSTM ~ WinSetTopMost example using AutoIt

...or you can just use DexPot!

Self-extracting file...

I often want a window topmost -- this is example of a 'how-to' using AutoIt:


#region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****#AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=_ICO\preferences-system.ico#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6#endregion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****#include #include #include Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1);-Func IsVisible($handle) If BitAND(WinGetState($handle), 2) Then  Return 1 Else  Return 0 EndIfEndFunc;-Func _Main() Local _   $btnBottom, _   $btnHelp, _   $btnLoc, _   $btnTop, _   $hCombo, _   $i, _   $msg, _   $sTitle, _   $var ;- $var = WinList() GUICreate('myWinSetTopMost', 450, 25) $hCombo = _   GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 2, 2, 366, 296) $btnLoc = @ScriptDir & '\_ICO\go-top.ico' $btnTop = _   GUICtrlCreateIcon($btnLoc, -1, 375, 4, 16, 16) $btnLoc = _   @ScriptDir & '\_ICO\go-bottom.ico' $btnBottom = _   GUICtrlCreateIcon($btnLoc, -1, 400, 4, 16, 16) $btnLoc = @ScriptDir & '\_ICO\help-browser.ico' $btnHelp = _   GUICtrlCreateIcon($btnLoc, -1, 425, 4, 16, 16) GUISetState() WinSetOnTop('myWinSetTopMost', '', 1) For $i = 1 To $var[0][0]  If IsVisible($var[$i][1]) And _    not ($var[$i][0] = '') And _    not ($var[$i][0] = 'Start') And _    not ($var[$i][0] = _    'Program Manager') _    Then   _GUICtrlComboBox_AddString($hCombo, $var[$i][0])  EndIf Next Send('{down}') Do  $msg = GUIGetMsg()  $sTitle = _    _GUICtrlComboBox_GetEditText($hCombo)  $sTitle = _    StringLeft($sTitle, StringLen($sTitle) - 1)  Select   Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE    ExitLoop   Case $msg = $btnTop    If not ($sTitle = '') Then     TrayTip(@ScriptName, $sTitle & ' on top...', 3, 1)     WinActivate($sTitle, '')     Sleep(550)     ;$sTitle=InputBox(@scriptname,'$sTitle',$sTitle)     WinSetOnTop($sTitle, '', 1)    EndIf   Case $msg = $btnBottom    If not ($sTitle = '') Then     TrayTip(@ScriptName, $sTitle & ' NOT on top...', 3, 1)     WinActivate($sTitle, '')     Sleep(550)     WinSetOnTop($sTitle, '', 0)    EndIf   Case $msg = $btnHelp    ShellExecute( _      '' & _      'search?q=myWinSetTopMost')  EndSelect Until GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete()EndFunc;-$Debug_CB = False_Main();-Exit

SAPI 5 ~ Text to WAV sample (WSF/VBS)

You can download both the WSH/VBS version and the
AutoIt from here:
The WSH/VBS is almost identical to AutoIt.  
I wrap the VBS first with a .WSF file:

<job id="TextToWAV">
<reference object="WScript.Shell">
<reference object="Scripting.FileSystemObject">
<object id="oSh" progid="WScript.Shell">
<object id="oFS" progid="Scripting.FileSystemObject">
<script language="VBScript">
  oSh.PopUp "TextToWAV file1[, file2] [,file3] [,...]", _
    cint(5), _
    WScript.ScriptName, _
<script language="VBScript" src="TextToWAV.VBS">     

Dim     i  
Sub ConvertTextToWAV(asFN)     
  Dim     text, oSPV, oSPSTRM, WAV, oFN     
  Set oSPV = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")     
  Set oSPSTRM = CreateObject("SAPI.SpFileStream")     
  oSh.Popup "asFN[" & asFN & "]",5,WScript.ScriptName ' debug     
  Set oFN=oFS.OpenTextFile(asFN,ForReading)     
  text = oFN.ReadAll     
  WAV = Replace(asFN, ".txt", ".wav")     
  If oFS.FileExists(WAV) Then oFS.DeleteFile WAV     
  oSPSTRM.Open WAV, 3, vbFalse     
  Set oSPV.AudioOutputStream = oSPSTRM     
  oSPV.Speak text     
  oSPSTRM.Close End 
For i = 0 To WScript.Arguments.Count - 1      

Using SAPI 5 to Convert Text to WAV file

Here is AutoIt Script sample script:
#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
Dim $i
Func ConvertTextToWAV(
    Dim $text, $oSPV,
$oSPV = ObjCreate('SAPI.SpVoice')
$oSPSTRM = ObjCreate('SAPI.SpFileStream')
$text = FileRead($asFN)
$WAV = StringReplace($asFN, '.txt', '.wav')
    If FileExists
($WAV) Then FileDelete($WAV)
$oSPSTRM.Open($WAV, 3, False)
$oSPV.AudioOutputStream = $oSPSTRM
EndFunc   ;==>TextToWAV
For $i = 1 To

NOTE: To use drag .txt files atop  
compiled version of the script

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