Non-qualified Authoring...

When talking about 'non-qualified authoring' in WebFocus
it's not a term of denigration!  I't is referring to dropping the use
of 'master.segment.fieldname' qualification (default DevStudio
 behavior).  If you want to turn this *OFF* you do this:
  • Click menu Window/Options
  • Chose 'Reporting' tab
  • Click 'unqualified fieldnames' default behavior of 'master.segment.field' qualification is off...
now you'll get just DN (vs. 'THEDATA.THEDATA.DN')...


Using Non-IE Browser in DevStudio


I would like browser reconfigurability in WebFocus DevStudio.

I get around by launch page (or url in my emails) that uses servlet. However, if used in Outlook 2007 there's a quirk -- you get a 'General failure' if you've a non-IE browser configured -- had to tweak for Opera:


WebFocus ~ Tip ~ Sampling data elements in synonym editor

  • In DevStudio ~ open new explorer window.
  • Right click ~ open master to explore in the synonym editor.
  • Right click ~ ‘sample data’.


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